Scholarships for Double Reeds NON-majors

Would you like to:

  • keep playing after high school
  • continue learning and improving
  • use your skills to help pay for you education
  • but NOT major or even minor in music


  • This is a list of schools which offer scholarships to double reed players non-majors.
  • Feel free to leave a comment with any additions or corrections, especially if you find broken links.
  • Always confirm scholarship opportunities with current faculty.
  • Though majoring in music may not be a requirement, students should expect lesson and ensemble participation requirements.  
  • If you don't see the university you are looking for don't hesitate to contact their music department/school and ask!  (Then let me know so I can update this list.)


  1. Hi Elizabeth!
    I just stumbled on this post, what a great resource! I'm about to refer a graduation senior to it and since I don't see a date of publication for it, I thought I'd let you know that William Dietz has retired from UA (the link still points right at the bassoon studio), and that I think Texas A & M Corpus Christi under Scott Pool has a similar scholarship available.

    Very cool, the whole website! :)

    1. Thanks for the info! I updated both though TAMCC had Patty Fagan-Miller listed as their faculty.

    2. Hi Elizabeth,

      Thanks Cassandra for drawing my attention to this. Yes, Dr. Dietz retired in 2018 and I have since been the Assistance Professor of Bassoon! The link to our website is and is updated. My website is We do offer non bassoon major scholarships and I am more than happy to speak with any students interested in coming to UA. Thanks for this incredible resource!

  2. Hi Elizabeth, Though Patty teaches some classes here at Texas A&M Corpus Christi, I am indeed the bassoon professor and coach of the scholarship group, Islander Winds. Here is the link to my faculty page:
    Stay warm up there in Idaho!

    1. Patty still teaches bassoon at University of Texas San Antonio.

    2. Thanks Scott! I just updated TAMUCC with your name and link to your page.

  3. I am so glad to learn about this! My son is a bassoonist (as well as playing a few other instruments). What does it mean to be a non-major? I always under the impression that he would have to major in music to get scholarship funds.

    1. Non-majors are students who have majors outside music but register for music credits typically taking lessons and playing in ensembles.


Manhattan School of Music in Great Falls, Montana

Originally posted to FB December 21, 2012 This evening, I had a fun little gig playing "solo bassoon" with a clarinet quartet star...