
Showing posts from January, 2019

Meg Quigley Vivaldi Competition and Bassoon Symposium #mqvc2019

I'm not going to bog this down with a play-by-play list of events.   It was a packed schedule filled with masterclasses and performances featuring a collection of the finest bassoonists in the United States - students, university/conservatory educators, and orchestral professionals.   Instead, I'm going to attempt to capture how unexpectedly transformational this experience proved to be.   Thursday: In a very last minute attempt to maximize my time in LA, I bought a ticket to see the LA Philharmonic for Thursday evening after my arrival.  Realizing there would not be any other time to see them perform that weekend, this was wise.  You  do not want to miss any of the events given at MQVC. My night at the LAPhil was rather unique in that John Adams was conducting and premiered Phillip Glass's latest work, Symphony No. 12.  The best part for me was  Tumblebird Contrails  by young composer, Gabriella Smith.   Upon my return from LA I immediately contacted her

That "New Bassoon" Smell...

...if it were an air freshener, that's what it would smell like around the BYU-Idaho bassoon studio .  Two students have purchased new bassoons with one more well on the way towards a purchase. I couldn't be happier watching these students make a huge commitment, manage a challenging process, and secure beautiful instruments that will bring them joy for many years to come.   It has also prompted me to get more organized about presenting them with the resources they need to consider, where to go, and how to budget for this process. Buying a bassoon is a lengthy but exciting process. It's best not to rush, playing on many bassoons will assist you in making the best decision.  When trialing a bassoon, be sure you are scheduled for rehearsals, a lesson or listening session with a teacher/mentor/colleague, and have access to a recital/concert hall.  It has been recommended by many to have another bassoonist play your bassoon and the one you are trialing while