SCHOLARSHIPS for Double Reeds NON-majors

Would you like to:

  • keep playing after high school
  • continue learning and improving
  • use your skills to help pay for you education
  • but NOT major or even minor in music


  • This is a list of schools which offer scholarships to double reed players non-majors.
  • Feel free to leave a comment with any additions or corrections, especially if you find broken links.
  • Always confirm scholarship opportunities with current faculty.
  • Though majoring in music may not be a requirement, students should expect lesson and ensemble participation requirements.  
  • If you don't see the university you are looking for don't hesitate to contact their music department/school and ask!  (Then let me know so I can update this list.)


  1. Hi Elizabeth!
    I just stumbled on this post, what a great resource! I'm about to refer a graduation senior to it and since I don't see a date of publication for it, I thought I'd let you know that William Dietz has retired from UA (the link still points right at the bassoon studio), and that I think Texas A & M Corpus Christi under Scott Pool has a similar scholarship available.

    Very cool, the whole website! :)

    1. Thanks for the info! I updated both though TAMCC had Patty Fagan-Miller listed as their faculty.

    2. Hi Elizabeth,

      Thanks Cassandra for drawing my attention to this. Yes, Dr. Dietz retired in 2018 and I have since been the Assistance Professor of Bassoon! The link to our website is and is updated. My website is We do offer non bassoon major scholarships and I am more than happy to speak with any students interested in coming to UA. Thanks for this incredible resource!

  2. Hi Elizabeth, Though Patty teaches some classes here at Texas A&M Corpus Christi, I am indeed the bassoon professor and coach of the scholarship group, Islander Winds. Here is the link to my faculty page:
    Stay warm up there in Idaho!

    1. Patty still teaches bassoon at University of Texas San Antonio.

    2. Thanks Scott! I just updated TAMUCC with your name and link to your page.

  3. I am so glad to learn about this! My son is a bassoonist (as well as playing a few other instruments). What does it mean to be a non-major? I always under the impression that he would have to major in music to get scholarship funds.

    1. Non-majors are students who have majors outside music but register for music credits typically taking lessons and playing in ensembles.


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