
Showing posts from January, 2016

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

My family enjoyed a trip to Yuma, AZ over the holidays.  This involved approximately 40 hours of drive time through some of the most stunning countryside the intermountain west has to offer.  It also afforded my husband and I ample time to reflect and discuss our family and our professional lives - a fitting and valuable discourse as we welcome a new year . Of course our conversation strayed to the topic of teaching , which continues to become a more significant part of my career . I began teaching privately when I was 14 years old .  I taught beginner piano to subsidize the cost of my private studies at Hochstein School of Music and later in the Eastman School of Music community program.   For me, teaching has often been a means to an end.  A way to earn income to support my greater goals as a performer.  It has ebbed and flowed in size and value for the last 21 years but I have learned to love teaching while also developing into a resourceful educator. I was