Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Sister Crawford's First Semester

Here it is, one week left in the semester, and I have not updated my professional blog even once in the past 4 months. 

Last week was social media week in my Music Technology course and I heard myself saying things like...
If you have social media, you have to use it.
Consistent posting keeps your followers engaged. what I say, not what I do.  (The worst teaching strategy...ever.)

This has been an absolutely wonderful semester!  I have truly enjoyed every aspect of it: working with students, lesson planning, course design, writing tests, one-on-one consultations, faculty quintet, the bassoon studio, weekly masterclasses, guest artists, student performances.  It has been so much fun and an incredible learning experience.  

My Music Tech course student have to make a Vlog for their final project.  I decided to make one for them to gain the best sense of what I expect of them.  It's a snapshot of this semester and I think it captures all the many experiences I have had here in the BYU-I department of music.  

I doubt that a written summary can do better than that but I do want to collect some thoughts I was having as I walked back from the Faculty Women's Holiday Luncheon.  Little nuggets of wisdom that I anticipate I will use many, many more times during my time here in academia.

  • You can do hard things.
  • Anything worth doing, is worth doing well.
  • Undergraduate music theory is useful.
  • Doing things well requires work.
  • Yes, you will have to work...for the rest of your life.
  • The ability to practice is far more powerful than talent.
  • Procrastination is a student's greatest barrier to success - not a lack of intelligence.
  • Excuses are not reasons.
  • Being present is different from attending.  Both are required.
  • Communication is essential.

I think the students here at BYU-I are profoundly fortunate.  They are truly receiving a world class education for pennies on the dollar.  I wish I had been as savvy when I was 18/19/20/21 . 


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Manhattan School of Music in Great Falls, Montana

Originally posted to FB December 21, 2012 This evening, I had a fun little gig playing "solo bassoon" with a clarinet quartet star...